Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Vindaloo 0.2

I completed the second increment of the Vinaloo PDF reader. Along with this comes an updated version of PopplerKit.
Download links:
The OSX version of Vindaloo comes bundled with PopplerKit, you don't need to install it seperatly. You only need PopplerKit for OSX if you want to do development with PopplerKit. The GNUstep archives contain the sourcecode which has to be compiled. This is done using the standard make and make install procedure. Vindaloo 0.2 won't work with older versions of PopplerKit. Installation instructions for PopplerKit can be found in the docs directory of the distribution. Please READ them!

What's new in Vindaloo & PopplerKit?
  • page caching for singlepage view
  • center page in scrollview
  • don't shove page into the edge when zooming in
  • adjust zoom factor when the window is resized such that the current page is either scaled to fit completly, by it's width or by it's height
  • better support for fontconfig in PopplerKit
  • minor UI tweaks and bug fixes
What comes next?
A search function is urgently required. At least I wish I had one in Vindaloo almost every day I'm using it. So the focus of the next increment will be to implement a simple search function.


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